Cindy Boyd: Volunteer Medicare Benefits Specialist

Cindy Boyd is a Medicare Specialist who volunteers her time to help our patients transition after they turn 65. Cindy first began donating services after her mother, a long-time CFC volunteer, expressed the need for our patients for guidance as they age out of the Clinic. For our patients, many of whom are navigating the healthcare system for the first time, transitioning to Medicare can be confusing and overwhelming. This is where Cindy comes in!

As a Medicare specialist, she takes each individual’s needs into consideration to help them choose a plan that’s right for them. “I just want to make sure they feel comfortable about the plan they’ve chosen.” When patients turn 65, they essentially become ineligible to continue receiving services at the CFC since they can now obtain insurance coverage through Medicare. 

Cindy believes the Clinic is vital to the community and often refers those she meets who are struggling to find affordable healthcare and do not yet qualify for Medicare. Giving back to the community through her work with the clinic gives Cindy a strong sense of purpose and warms her heart.

We’re so appreciative of all the help she provides to our patients during their transition to Medicare and are thankful for this partnership.


Cathy: CFC Discharge Nurse


Family Health & Fitness Day!